Why You Should Switch to a Tankless Water Heater
As a responsible homeowner interested in saving money and preserving the planet, you might be interested in installing a tankless water heater. Traditional storage tank water heaters are bulky, don’t provide a continuous supply of hot water, and consume a lot of energy. What’s more: they corrode or develop other problems after approximately ten years, even if they are well maintained. It’s only logical to look for a greener, more cost-effective solution.
Tank vs. Tankless Water Heaters
If your old water heater isn’t working properly, taking a tepid or cold shower on a dark winter morning sounds like the opposite of an enjoyable way to start your day. But let’s be honest—that kind of Spartan awakening, though it might chase the sleep out of your mind, isn’t what you want! You want to be able to take a hot bath or shower whenever you like. You want to be able to wash your hands with hot water in the kitchen. In short, you don’t want to have to worry about where the hot water is coming from.
The benefits of tankless water heaters include:
- Hot Water on Demand – Unlike a storage tank water heater where you have to wait for the tank to be filled, a tankless appliance heats the water as it’s delivered to the point of use. It’s that simple… and very effective!
- Energy Efficiency – Because there’s no tank full of water that has to remain heated all day long, a tankless water heater is more energy efficient—and that means lower energy bills!
- Longer Lifespan – Invest in a tankless appliance now, and assuming you maintain it properly, you won’t need to replace it for 20 years. That’s seven years longer than a regular water heater! If you have a big home with an even bigger family, you need a water heater that can last you a long time before having to consider repair or replacement. Tank water heaters will eventually suffer from cracks and leaks once they reach a certain age and waste water.
- They Take up Less Room – Tankless water heaters are compact. Since they don’t need a storage tank, tankless models have smaller dimensions. To gain an impression of the size difference, you can compare a tank model with a fridge and a tankless model with a desktop computer. Clearly, going tankless means you’ll need less room to house your appliance.
When are Conventional Water Heaters Better?
There are two minor drawbacks to tankless water heaters. First, the sticker price is higher than that of a tank water heater. Although conventional water heaters cost more than tankless water heaters, tankless water heaters will save you money on your utility bills each month. At Precision Today, we understand that our customers come from different financial situations and sometimes need a water heater known for cost-efficiency. We will help you choose what type of water heater is the best choice for your personal needs. Secondly, the flow rate of hot water can be smaller than that of a conventional model. Fortunately, you can remedy this by installing a second appliance specifically for household appliances that use hot water.
Precision Helps You Make the Right Decision
If you’re excited about making the switch to a tankless water heater but don’t know what type is best for your home, call Precision Today. We’ll assess your household’s needs and advise you on the most cost-effective option. Plus, we can remove your old water heater and install the new one with the minimum amount of hassle. Don’t settle for anything but the best!
Call Precision Today at (630) 425-8995 or contact us online to schedule a tankless water heater installation in Wheaton!

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