The Top 5 Water Heater Safety Tips You Should Know
While water heaters seem non-threatening, if you’re experiencing a problem and it is left unresolved, it can pose a real danger. Did you know that water heaters are responsible for about 10% of the fires started by home heating devices? That’s just one reason why our team wants to ensure you are equipped to safely handle your water heater, so you never have to worry about the safety of your home. Check out these 5 water heater safety tips so you can ensure your home and your family are safe all year long.
Remove Fire Hazards
If you have a tank water heater that is powered by gas, it’s a given that storing any sort of flammable liquids near the pilot light is a recipe for disaster. However, it’s also important to refrain from throwing coats, jump ropes, garbage bags, gas cans anywhere close to the heater. Refrain from storing items near or around your water heater.
Check Your Temperature & Pressure Relief Valve
Temperature and pressure relief valves help prevent tanks from exploding if temperature or pressure exceeds safe limits. It’s important that you check your valve at least once a year. Luckily this is quite easy to check. All you have to do is pull up on the handle of the valve. Water should be allowed to flow freely but stop when you release the handle. If there is no water flow or minimal drips, the valve needs replacement ASAP.
Make Sure Your Water Heater is Properly Ventilated
Improperly placed vents and vents with drafts allow fumes to make their way inside your home rather than ventilate outdoors. This is why it’s quite important to make sure your water heater vents are free of dips, that they go up and out, and that they are the same diameter as the tank’s diverter. We know this may seem like a lot, especially if you aren’t experienced in the plumbing world. No need to worry! Our team of experts can make sure everything is positioned properly when we come out to do your water heater check!
Routinely Check The Temperature Settings
Your temperature setting becomes more of a concern if the size of your water heater is not appropriate for the size and needs of your house. It’s also a good idea to periodically check your temperature in case it was adjusted by accident. For a rule of thumb, your temperature should never exceed 120 degrees, allowing your system to produce hot water and kill germs but also refrain from potentially scalding someone with overly hot water.
Install a Carbon Monoxide Detector
Improper ventilation of your water heater can cause fumes to leak into your home. If your water heater is fueled by gas it is important that you install a carbon monoxide detector in your home. Carbon monoxide poisoning can cause vision and memory loss, or at worst, death.
Proper maintenance and water heater checks are vital to making sure your water heater is being used safely within your home. Our team of experts always makes sure your water heater is operating efficiently and safely during our water heater checks. If you feel like your water heater is in need of maintenance, we are ready to JUMP ON IT today! Give us a call at (630) 425-8995!

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