West Chicago, IL Drain Cleaning: Avoid Clogs with These Prevention Tips!
You know what’s fun? Spending time with your family and friends on a nice spring day. You know what’s not fun? Having to call for West Chicago, IL drain cleaning because you have a terrible drain clog.
Truth be told, drain clogs are probably the last thing you want to experience this season, especially when the weather is warming up and you can finally enjoy the outdoors again. One small clog can turn into something much worse that deter your enjoyment of the season. Worse, you may even lose access to your most essential plumbing fixtures.
How can you avoid such a fate? Well, allow the team at Precision to show you. We have encountered a lot of clogs in our years of service, and we know exactly what it takes to avoid them. Of course, we want to see you enjoy the spring without any plumbing concerns, and part of that is having clean drains that will save you time and money.
How Can You Prevent Clogs This Spring?
Be nice to your drains this spring and take the following actions to ensure they won’t get clogged:
- Use Your Garbage Disposal: If you have a garbage disposal in your home, take full advantage of it. Your garbage disposal will chop up larger pieces of food and other waste so it can pass through your drains easily. One of the most major causes of clogs is food and your disposal will prove reliable in keeping your drains from being blocked by last night’s dinner.
- Keep Oil or Grease Away: That grease from the previous night’s dinner needs to stay far, far away from your drains. If grease or oil does wind up in your drains, it will harden and make passage through your drains impossible.
- Have Your Drains Checked for Roots: Clogs don’t necessarily form due to food and other substances. It may be due to tree root intrusion. Have a professional at Precision check your drains to see if tree roots are threatening to clog up your drains so they can perform rooting service to eliminate them.
- Use Commercial Cleaner: Always keep commercial cleaner handy in the event of any last minute clogs. While heavy use of commercial cleaner can eventually lead to pipe damage, you can use it sparingly to take care of clogs quickly.
Contact Precision today at (630) 425-8995 if you are looking for West Chicago, IL drain cleaning that will take care of clogs and help you enjoy the spring.

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